Ready to Party! You’re Sure to See a Celeb at These Miami Hot Spots During Art Basel


Pop the bubbly because Art Basel is here and all your favorite celebs are in Miami!

The star-studded affair kicked off in Miami Beach on Wednesday December 1, with a preview day, and will continue throughout Sunday, December 5. The first in-person Art Basel since 2019, due to the ongoing coronavirus, this year’s multi-day event is sure to be full of celebs, not to mention some major art instillations.

Celebrating up-and-coming artists, Art Basel Miami always attracts a crowd, and this year is no different. Between hitting up galleries and doing some star searching, there’s time to celebrate. That’s why, we’ve rounded up some of Miami’s hottest hangout spots to drink, dine and maybe spot a celebrity.

Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, Justin Bieber, Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen are among those visiting Prime 112, the best steakhouse in the city, located in the Brown’s Hotel. With decadent menu offerings and sexy décor, it’s no surprise that this is the most sought-after reservation in the city.

Stars like Drake, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kendall Jenner, Cardi B, Miley Cyrus and Doja Cat have all been spotted at this 24/7 ultraclub, which is the best place to party off the beach! The unique nightclub experience has made E11EVEN MIAMI the Best New Nightclub Concept among the top 10 nightclubs worldwide.

A party here will offer visitors up-close-and-personal performances by some major names in the music and entertainment industry.

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