Plunging Into the Madcap World of Markus Schulz's "THE RABBIT HOLE CIRCUS"

After three decades, Markus Schulz is still pulling rabbits out of his hat. If his latest endeavor is any indication, the iconic DJ and producer remains as ambitious as ever. Schulz recently announced "The Rabbit Hole Circus," an eye-popping tour which is said to realize "his creative vision in unparalleled ways."

"The Rabbit Hole Circus" is an exercise in acrobatics, going far beyond the typical DJ set or electronic music show. According to a press release shared with, the tour offers an "immersive, multimedia escape from reality" by virtue of its striking live production, which comprises circus-themed performers, dancers, singers and even aerialists.

These performers will pirouette to the phantasmagoric sounds of Schulz's music, including songs from his hotly anticipated album of the same name. And the tour's visuals harmonize with its roots in magical realism, projecting whimsical and kaleidoscopic imagery to align with its madcap circus theme.

Vocalists from Schulz's The Rabbit Hole Circus album will also perform live at select dates, including HALIENE, Emma Hewitt, Adina Butar and Sarah de Warren, an ensemble of the industry's most illustrious dance music vocalists. Rising talent Tim Clark will also DJ as support.

"The Rabbit Hole Circus" is gearing up to launch in the U.S. before traveling to some of the world's most technologically advanced venues, kicking off July 2nd at the sumptuous E11EVEN Miami ultraclub before heading north for a show at Musica NYC on July 29th.

Its ringmaster will then cross the country for a can't-miss performance at the famed Avalon Hollywood on August 19th. The club's diehards know Schulz well—he annually rings in the new year by performing an epic, 12-hour DJ set. This marathon ethos will translate over to "The Rabbit Hole Circus" tour, the shows of which are Schulz's famed "open-to-close" sets with an added circus element during peaktime.

We caught up with Schulz to discuss the concepts and motives behind his ambitious new tour.

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