A Real Miami Nightclub Just Bought A Bored Ape. Is This The Beginning?


Miami nightclub “E11EVEN” has officially joined the BAYC with its purchase of Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT #11. The company that owns the nightclub, E11EVEN Partners, announced the purchase on Monday. They bought the Bored Ape NFT for 99 ETH, about $387,000 at the time of writing.

Although the Bored Ape is the nightclub’s first NFT, they’ve been involved in the web3 space for a while.

For example, E11EVEN started accepting cryptocurrency payments in April of this year. This earned the popular venue the distinction of being the first major nightclub in the US to do so. So far, the downtown Miami nightclub has since processed over $4 million in crypto payments.

What’s more, E11EVEN hosted an “NFT Night” event at the beginning of December. Of course, that event happened during Art Basel Miami, where NFTs took center stage.

Notably, Art Basel was one of the biggest moments for NFTs this year. Indeed, there were many Miami venues to embrace NFTs and host events during the show, as the industry collided with the traditional art world.

Given the Miami nightclub’s clear interest in NFTs, the expensive Bored Ape purchase shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise.

Not to mention how Miami, with its crypto-friendly policies and Mayor, is becoming somewhat of an NFT hub in the United States. As a matter of fact, building an IRL Miami clubhouse is one of the points on the Bored Ape Yacht Club’s Roadmap 2.0.

One thing is for sure – businesses in every industry are falling in love with NFTs and jumping into the NFT space. We’ve seen this coming ever since Visa bought its CryptoPunk earlier this year. Not only was this a sign of big business noticing NFTs, but it also marked the Punks as the most important NFT project at that time.

However, it’s clear that The Bored Ape Yacht Club is now challenging Punks for the number one spot in NFTs. So expect to see more nightclubs and other businesses make moves like E11EVEN Miami’s in the future.

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