The Chainsmokers, Diplo to get ‘wet ‘n wild’ at Waterpark Music Festival

There’s another electronic dance fest coming to the Orlando area this summer, with big-name headliners the Chainsmokers and sticky-fingered Crocs enthusiast Diplo set to throw down at Kissimmee’s Sunset Walk.

The E11EVEN Beach Club Water Park Festival (a mouthful) will be held at Sunset Walk on Aug. 20-21. The pop-up fest is brought to you by the minds behind the E11EVEN Miami nightclub.

The concept behind the event is simple yet effective: enjoy live music while going on waterslides and pruning in wave pools. You got your chocolate in my peanut butter, your EDC in my Water Mania, etc.

Around 30 other acts will be added to the two-day pop-up in the coming weeks. The musicians and DJs will be spread over several stages, including a main stage, Electro stage and Deep House stage.

Tickets for this fest are currently on sale through E11EVEN.

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